
The following organizations offer tuition scholarships to the Institute. Please contact these institutions for information and application deadlines, which may be different from the application deadline for the Institute.

  • The Society of Georgia Archivists,, awards the Carroll Hart Scholarship.

  • The Friends of Georgia Archives and History,, offers the Sarah O. Dunaway Scholarship.

  • Georgia Public Library Service,, see for more details.

  • Georgia Historical Records Advisory Council, Look for the grant application on the Georgia Archives website under “Announcements.” To apply, submit a completed application form to by March 1, 2024. Available to an employee or volunteer at a local government repository, preference given to an applicant from an under-served community; tuition, travel and accommodations.

  • Josephine Hart Brandon Scholarship is given annually to a Georgia resident who is accepted to the Georgia Archives Institute. The scholarship is generously provided by Morgan County Landmarks society and named for Josephine Hart Brandon, historian, supporter of the Georgia Archives, and the sister of Carroll Hart, founder of the Georgia Archives Institute. On the GAI application, Georgia residents can indicate that they would like to be considered for the scholarship by submitting a short statement (1-2 paragraphs) detailing their financial situation. This needs-based scholarship prioritizes participants from under resourced or smaller institutions, and will cover full tuition for the Institute. To be considered, your application must by submitted and the $75 deposit must be received by the March 15th deadline. The applicant chosen for this scholarship will have their $75 deposit refunded to them. 

Note on scholarships

Individuals must apply separately to the Georgia Archives Institute and to the scholarship organizations (except for the Josephine Hart Brandon Scholarship). Do not send scholarship applications to the Georgia Archives Institute. The board will inform successful candidates when to complete the secondary application.