June 2-13, 2025
The Georgia Archives Institute offers general instruction in the basic concepts and practice of archival administration and the management of traditional and modern documentary materials.
The Georgia Archives Institute ten-day program includes one day of preservation and area archival institutions contribute to the success of the program by providing three-day internships for Institute students.
Who We Are
The Georgia Archives Institute, Inc., is a non-profit organization, administered by a Board of Directors composed of archives professionals.
The annual institute is co-sponsored by the Georgia Archives, the Society of Georgia Archivists, and the Friends of Georgia Archives & History.
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Institute participation creates a network of colleagues with similar experiences, contacts with professional archivists, and an overview of a variety of archival organizations.
The Institute enhances the work of those already in the field and provides a foundation for those entering the field.
“While they liked my book experience, it was the Institute that gave me the edge in this difficult period of jobs and the economy.”